

Meetings and Videos

  • Get a gist of recorded Zoom meetings
  • Summarize Youtube videos and webinars you have wanted to finish
  • Jump over the boring parts and get to the meat of the content

Tweets, Blogs, and News

  • Summarize blogs and news related to your profession
  • Easily read up on the firehose of tweets from industry leads and companies
  • Get to the critical points and avoid distractions
youtube tutorial

Online Courses and Video Lectures

  • Identify the essential items in online courses and video lectures
  • Grasp the concepts discussed in the class and hop over the rest
  • Easily condense videos from Khan Academy, Youtube, PBS, and TED

Follow Topics

  • Summarize tweets with Twitter Hashtags
  • Make sense of the firehose of information on popular topics
  • Keep up with industry trends that matter

Podcasts and Youtube Channels

  • Grab insights from Podcasts and Youtube Channels
  • New posts are automatically summarized and sent to you
  • Easily digest podcasts from Apple, Google, and Spotify Podcasts

Keep up with Trends

  • Keep up with industry trends by being in the know of critical info all the time
  • Connect with your sources of information and received the summarized version of any new item that gets posted
  • Easily connect with Medium, RSS, Twitter and many more